Tuesday 22 October 2013

Prime of the Prime Numbers - As Mazes

funny cat cartoon
Your children are getting old enough that they don’t need constant attention from you. And this makes you a little bit sad but it also lets you free up a lot of time that can be spent doing things that you enjoy. And of course one of those things is cuddling in the house with your cats and playing some awesome games. You have so many game choices that you enjoy, it’s sometimes hard to make the decision about which game you want to play. You often start off with online casino games, since you love blackjack and you can play it to your heart’s content from home. Then, you move on to roulette for a bit and enjoy the rush of excitement that comes with the game and with seeing where the wheel will land. Then, while you’re still with your cats, you can enjoy awesome puzzle and maze choices. Each of these allows you to have a great time using your mind and challenging yourself with thoughtful designs and ideas. And you love the puzzles that you see in the newspaper each day. You look forward to this time that you’ve carved out when you can do the puzzles without any distractions and offer those cute cats some time with you. All of this means that you certainly miss having the kids around, but that you’re finding ways to fill your time when they are out and about.

roman numerals maze of 37
The Primaze of the Prime number 37 as Roman Numerals XXXVII - Maze Solution Found Here

Want more mazes? Prime Number Mazes - Primazes

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